Flappy Bird No. 10000000

This is a clone of the popular mobile game Flappy Bird. The game is played by tapping the screen to make the bird fly. The player must navigate the bird through pairs of pipes that are constantly moving towards the player. If the bird hits a pipe or the ground, the game is over.

The game uses state machines to determine the current state of the game. The three states are:

  • Playing: The player is currently playing the game.
  • Menu: The player is in the menu screen.
  • Tutorial: The player is in the tutorial.

The game also uses singletons to manage the player's score and state. A singleton is a design pattern that ensures that there is only one instance of a class in an application. This is useful for managing the player's score and state because it ensures that there is only one copy of these data structures.

Finally, the game uses an object pool pattern to save up on memory. An object pool pattern is a design pattern that reuses objects instead of creating new ones. This is useful for the pipes because it reduces the amount of memory that is required to run the game.

I hope you enjoy playing my game!

Original project.

Source Code.

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